Nokia C110

How to Set Up Voicemail on Nokia Phone

Are you looking for an easy way to set up Voicemail on a Nokia phone? Well, Voicemail is one of the nice features we need to have on our device. That way, we can easily get information even when we are not available to pick up our phone calls.

Let’s walk you through the process of setting up voicemail on your Nokia phone.

How to Set Up Voicemail on Your Nokia Phone

Being able to access voicemail is important for not missing important messages. Luckily, setting up voicemail on Nokia Android phones is a simple process.

Voicemail is Pre-Activated

Good news – the voicemail service comes pre-activated on your Nokia phone when you first insert your SIM card. This means you can start using voicemail right away without any setup.

Setting a Voicemail PIN

While voicemail works without a PIN, adding one provides an extra layer of security:

  1. Dial 1233 using the phone’s dial pad.
  2. Select option 3 from the voicemail menu to set or change your PIN.
  3. Enter your new 4-digit PIN twice for confirmation.

Checking Voicemail

To listen to your voicemail messages or change voicemail settings at any time:

  1. Dial +447973101233 directly from your Nokia phone.
  2. Enter your voicemail PIN if you’ve set one up.
  3. Follow the voice prompts to access your messages.

That’s all there is to getting voicemail up and running on your Nokia device! Let me know if you need any help accessing those important saved messages.